
发布时间:2016-03-17 作者:杨义先,钮心忻 阅读量:

[摘要] 精确地给出了黑客攻击能力和红客防御能力的可达理论极限。对黑客来说,如果他想真正成功地把红客打败k次,一定有某种技巧,使他能够在k /C次进攻中,以任意接近1的概率达到目的;如果黑客经过n次攻击,获得了S次真正成功,那么一定有S ≤nC。对红客来说,如果他想真正成功地把黑客挡住R次,一定有某种技巧,使得他能够在R /C次防御中,以任意接近1的概率达到目的;如果红客经过n次防卫,获得了R次真正成功,一定有R ≤ND。这里C和D分别是攻击信道和防御信道的信道容量。如果C D,则红客输;如果C =D,则红黑实力相当。

[关键词] 黑客;红客;进攻;防御;信道

[Abstract] In this paper, the limit theory of hacker attack ability and honker defense ability is given. If a hacker wants to beat a honker K times, there must be some skills, so that he can achieve the purpose with probability arbitrarily close to 1 in the k /C times’ offensive. If a hacker achieves S successes after n attacks, there must be S ≤nC. If a honker wants to defend against a hacker R times, there must be some skills, so he can achieve the purpose with probability arbitrarily close to 1 in the k /C times’ defensive; If a honker achieve n times’ real success after n times’ defensive, there must be R ≤ND. C and D respectively represent the channel capacity of offensive channel and defensive channel. If C D, then the honker loses. If C =D, they have considerable strength.

[Keywords] hacker; honker; offensive; defensive; channel

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