
发布时间:2023-01-10 作者:孙知信,骆冰清 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为实现物联网中任意物品的准确、高效、安全的寻址对建立真正意义上的互联互通泛在网络具有重要意义;轻量级IP寻址技术能够满足物联网的泛在互联需求,同时适用于物联网终端;基于IPv6编码的轻量级寻址策略在理论研究与实践应用两方面都取得了突破性的成果,将会成为未来物联网终端的重要寻址方式之一。

[关键词] 物联网寻址;IPv6协议;IP寻址;轻量级

[Abstract] Addressing accurately, efficiently, and securely is important for establishing a true Internet of Things (IoT), which implies intercommunication between any objects in the network. The lightweight IP addressing technology is suitable for IoT terminals and supports ubiquitous demands. There have been recent breakthroughs in both the theoretical research and practical applications of IPv6-based coding and lightweight addressing strategies. IP-based addressing technology will be one of the important terminal-addressing strategies in the future.

[Keywords] addressing of internet of things; IPv6; IP addressing; lightweight