
发布时间:2012-04-05 作者:刘飞 阅读量:


[摘要] 随着互联网与现实社会生活的不断融合,由互联网虚拟性导致的诸多问题也逐渐显现。其中,网络参与者身份的虚拟性导致了网络欺诈、网络谣言等诸多问题,严重影响社会安全和稳定。文章从实现网络可信身份认证的角度出发,探讨了如何建立和完善网络认证体系,从而打造可信网络空间,促进互联网健康、有序的发展。

[关键词] 可信网络;网络认证;网络可信身份

[Abstract] As the Internet becomes an integral part of social life, many problems are becoming apparent. Phishing and malicious rumors spread by the virtual identity of participants has damaged the Internet and even social stability. This paper describes how to establish and improve the Internet’s authentication system and how to create a trusted network space in order to promote healthy and orderly development of the Internet.

[Keywords] trusted internet; internet authentication; internet trusted authentication